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Wage And Hour Laws (Including Paid Sick Leave).

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1. Home
2. Labor Law & Stats
3. Labor Laws by Topic
4. Wage and Hour Laws (consisting of Paid Sick Leave)

Wage and Hour Laws (including Paid Sick Leave)

- DLSS - Labor Market Information (LMI) - LMI Press Releases and Schedules - LMI News Release Calendar

- Colorado Current Population Survey (CPS) Demographic Data

- Private Industry Size Class Reports

- Interpretive Notice & Formal Opinions (INFOs) & Other Published Guidance
- Posters (Including Translations).
- Labor Rules - Wage Order Archive

- Labor Relations/ Unions.
- Wage and Hour Law (including Paid Sick Leave - Jury Duty

- Keep Jobs in Colorado Act

- Helpful Information and Resources - FAQs and Terminology.
- Helpful Links

- About Us - Customer Base.
- History.
- Mission & Legal Authority.
- What is an Area 218 Agreement?

- Determine Compliance - Result.
- Result.
- Result.
- Result.
- Result.
- Result.
- Step One.
- Step Three.
- Step Three.
- Step 2

Wage & Hour Rights and Responsibilities

Wage Payment: employment Employee rights consist of:- Spend for all earnings made (INFO # 3) at the rate agreed to by the company and worker.

- Pay of a minimum of base pay (INFO # 1), the suitable Colorado or local base pay, and all made overtime earnings without impermissible deductions from their earnings;.

- Pay of all earned earnings without impermissible deductions (INFO # 16).

Labor Statutes, Rules, & Published Guidance

Statutes & Rules: DLSS imposes a lot of Colorado's wage and employment hour and other types of labor statutes and labor rules, including the Colorado Wage Act, the Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards (" COMPS Order"), and the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act. Please visit the Division's Labor Statutes and Labor Rules websites for present and prior versions of key Colorado labor statutes and guidelines.

Published Guidance: The Division's primary kinds of public assistance are:- INFOs (Interpretive Notices and Formal Opinions) - the Division's formally authorized notices, opinions, and explanations on various labor law subjects; and.

- KNOWLEDGEs (Knowledge for employment Workers on Labor Law is Empowering & Drives Good Employment) one-page summaries for employees on their labor rights.

Written Demands, Complaints, & Investigations

Demands & Complaints for Wages: If an employer owes you earnings, you can send your company a written demand for payment of incomes by mail, email, text, or other electronic means. A written need might be sent out to the company at the exact same time a Labor Standards Complaint Form for unpaid earnings is submitted with the Division. The Labor Standards Complaint Form can be found on our Demands, Complaints, Responses, and Settlements website.

Employer Responses in Investigations: Once a complete Labor Standards Complaint Form is gotten and examined, a letter describing the nature of the problem and the amounts alleged to be owed is sent out to the employer. For additional information about the examination process, please evaluate the Wage & Hour Claim Investigations - Employer FAQs web page.

Investigations Launched by the Division (" Direct Investigations"): The Division may carry out employer-wide direct investigations of possible offenses of Colorado wage and hour law. If you want to submit a tip, employment please email the Division at If you want to file a private claim for unpaid wages, you should fill out a Labor Standards Complaint Form on our Demands, Complaints, Responses, and Settlements website. To appeal a direct investigation citation or several Notices of Assessment, a supposed employer might submit a Direct Investigation Appeal Form.

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